Friday 28 October 2011

kiyobi makin menggila

huaaaa.. tik bkin crazy. ketawa membahana guru tik bikin makin suram aja! bhagia gitu rasanya liat anak didiknya menangis merana dan menggila .>,<

kimia ulangan. moga licin deh nilainya. jadi seenggaknya wajahku yang udah beraura asam nggak makin mirip asam.

jadi critanya ak curi-curi nge blog. di saat semua ngrasa confused yg sangat, ak mulai ngetik, mempermainkan jemari lentik ku(haha) di atas keyboard panas. semoga kegalauan hari ini cepet nguap, secepat belatung yang ada di wc sekolahku yang makin beranak! Gila gak sih! sekolahku, keren, udah dikenal, tapi wc nya bertransformasi jadi rumah belatung! hah.. bela-belain deh wudhu di luar sekolah.hahah.. masalahnya cuma satu sebenernya. ada bangke. bangke tikus katanya. di atep. jadi bayangin aja. lagi di wc, melepas penat seusai mapel, "pluk pluk.." ada putih-unyu unyu yang jatuh di atas kepala. bayangin aja udah merinding sendiri.

cuaca mendung. kemarin aku nekat naik motor pulang sekolah. ternyata kehujanan. romantiss.. adekku pegangan pundakku kenceng buanget, sekenceng angin yang mulai numbangin sana sini(g selebay itu deng). di tangis solo van java, kami berdua, naek motor, jalan pelan-pelan, demi mengais pinggiran untuk berteduh(halah). pulang slamat, tapi nggak dengan sragamnya. nyaris aku niat nggak mandi karna aku ngrasa udah dimandiin sama alam.hoahahahhaha.. tapi akhirnya juga mandi.

udah aha. ak nggak enak sama yang lain.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

kaiyobi menggila:O

kamis yang mendung, kayak wajahku yang makin mendung:(

banyak tugas..banyak kegilaan.
mendung yang sumuk.. ulangan fisika.kliatannya gampang. tapi tetep aja, diam diam menghanyutkan. udah asyik asyik..ternyata ga ketemu jawabannya. Rasanya galau belum ilang.

PKN........ huwaa.. ngomongin tentang BIN, bom,teroris Dkk. kayak patung rasanya.ngomong tanpa paham itu apaan=="

lele,one of myfriendship cacar. hahaha..jadi inget,dia yang ngetawain aku..ikutan ngatain aku "kue kismis" skrg yang harus nrima hukum rimbanya..aku cuma ketawa kecut waktu tau dia cacar..masa rehab ku udah berakhir.cacar duaminggu,pas ujian sekolah.bagus!nilaiku parah.boro boro remidi,bisa nyelesein smua susulan aja udah alhamdulillah.

masih di kamis yang mendung..

rasanya nggak akan ada habisnya mendung..kelasku rasanya suram. pulang sekolah.aku masih punya rapat sumpah pemuda. "hari di mana semua pemuda disumpah!" hoahahahaha..

kamis masih selalu mendung.malahan dah mulai hujan. aku di labkom waktu nulis ini. sama firda,zulfa,n rahmi yang lagi ngomongin kompetisi IPB sama Mr.Jojo.. juga anin salah satu partnerku yang lagi galau TIK.
Jadi ceritanya banyak kegalauan di sini.. tapi hepi selalu ada:D

Saturday 22 October 2011

open your eyes- Maher Zein

Open Your Eyes
Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded infront of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony

Let's start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?

Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us?
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..?

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look quiet we'll see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Open your eyes and hearts and minds
If you just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You..
الحمد الله

in the end-Linkin Park

It starts with
One thing I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time

All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away

It's so unreal
Didn't look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
Or wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

One thing, I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how

I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
[| From: |]
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised

It got so far
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

down to earth-Justin Bieber

I never thought it'd be easy
Cause we both so distant now
And the walls are closing in on us
And we're wondering how
No one has a solid answer
But just walking in the dark
And you can see the look on my face It just tears me apart

So we fight (so we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt)
And we cry and cry and cry and cry
And we live (and we love) and we learn (and we love)
And we try and try and try and try

So it's up to you and it's up to me
That we meet in the middle on our way back down to Earth
Down to Earth, Down to Earth
On our way back down to Earth
*Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth,
Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth*

And mommy you were always somewhere
Daddy I live out of town
So tell me how could I ever be normal somehow
You tell me this is for the best
So tell me why am I in tears?
*Woah* So far away, and now I just need you here

So we fight (we fight) through the hurt (through the hurt)
And we cry and cry and cry and cry
And we live (we live) and we love (we love)
And we try and try and try and try

So it's up to you and it's up to me
That we meet in the middle on our way back down to Earth
Down to Earth, Down to Earth
On our way back down to Earth
*Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth,
Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth*

We fell so far away from the way we used to be
Now we're standing and where do we go
When there's no road to get to your heart
Let's start over again

So it's up to you and it's up to me
That we meet in the middle on our way back down to Earth
Down to Earth, Down to Earth
On our way back down to Earth
Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth,
Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth, Back down to Earth,

I never thought it would be easy
Cause we both so distant now
And the walls are closing in on us
And we're wondering how

gadis cilik

jika dunia berhenti tertawa

teraniaya di gubuk kecil dan sendiri
malangnya saat gadis cilik menggigil membiru
bukan hujan lagi yang menyelimuti
namun ironi yang bengis!
di mana saat eufoni berdendang riang?
hanya sampah yang membuatnya hidup bertahan
lautan tirani.. manikam membisu

jika kini ia yang berhenti tertawa
hidup yang suram..hitam yang kelam
di lautan biru ikan membentang jernih
di langit sana menggantung biri-biri
kepulan asap berjalan lirih di lazuardi
hanya sampah yang membuatnya hidup bertahan
disanalah sebuah cerita meyatukan jiwanya
kegaduhan suara malam
nyiur bergoyang sendu

bukan lagi dunia dan ia yang berhenti tertawa...

ia mati meringkuk bulan

Friday 21 October 2011

everlasting friends

suatu keajaiban aku bisa menjadi bagian dari mereka.
suatu kebanggaan aku hidup bersama mereka.

di sini adalah dunia.
mewarnai dengan pastel cerah yang merekah.
sedikit aku mampu bercerita,tapi yakinlah aku sangat ingin tertawa:D

my last

kawanku yang special dan akan selalu baik baik saja...

 please be okay without me now.. better than when we gone together..always in happiness.

maaf aku bukan kawan yang berguna. tapi kau tau aku selalu menyayangimu.aku butuh senyum mu untuk meyakinkanku bahwa kau selalu bahagia
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